[Manor keyboard / Manner Keyboard]Mistake-free Smart Life, Smart Manner[Manners Features● Enter timeout settings - it is limited to keyboard input for a specified period of time. - once the feature from the time you turn the menu the next day at 7 am until restrict keyboard input. - Repeat function allows you to specify a limit start time and end time, repeat days.● Input Settings app restrictions - You can specify the app you want to limit the input for a specified period of time. - Even if you do not specify a limit to the app in the apps Settings 10 The following list is limited to the input. (KakaoTalk, cacao story lines, bands, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, telegram, NateOn, neo Pam)● Response message - the time limit for the input can only transfer certain messages. - Messages can be built in addition to the message that you add manually.Basic Features● Keyboard offers seven kinds of types - QWERTY (2 Beol), QWERTY (2 Set, short vowels), plus a vowel, Tenchijin, Tenchijin Plus, naratgeul, Sky● 5 different skins available - Grayblack, white, purple, gold, pink● partnership with the keyboard basic functions of the technical partnership with a dynamic keyboard is the same as the dynamic keyboard.※ permission for the use of the keyboard and use Manor purpose guideO Storage (required): The storage and use of answering machine messages, built-in browser, file downloadsO Vibration (required): The vibration response to touch keyboardO Location (optional): Use of location information from the built-in browser (Map Service during search)* You can use an optional permissions do not have to agree.* Android 6.0 can not be allowed to individually select privileges if you are using a version below, and if you have available after you saw confirm that provides operating system upgrade feature in the manufacturer of the terminal 6.0 or later is recommended that you update.[Manor keyboard page]http://www.facebook.com/mannerkeyboard